17 June 1967: Graham Kennedy (In Melbourne Tonight)
17 June 1967: Don Lane (Tonight With Don Lane)
17 June 1978: Rowena Wallace, Jo-Anne Moore, George Mallaby (Cop Shop)
17 June 1995: Kylie Minogue
17 June 2000: Kate Ritchie (Home And Away)
17 June 1959: ABC presents the first Australian television adaptations of Shakespeare, with Hamlet broadcast on ABN2, Sydney, and Antony And Cleopatra on ABV2, Melbourne, at the same time.
17 June 1966: The final episode of HSV7’s long-running variety show Sunnyside Up. The weekly show began in August 1957 as The Happy Gang, a TV version of the popular radio show of the same name. The show was revamped in May 1958 to the new title Sunnyside Up.
17 June 1979: This Fabulous Century looks at disasters that have saddened the nation – including Cyclone Tracy in Darwin, the collapse of the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne and the Granville train disaster in Sydney.
17 June 1994: The FIFA World Cup kicks off in the US with the Opening Ceremony (4am, SBS) in Chicago, followed by the opening match between Germany and Bolivia (5am, SBS)