Wednesday 4 November 1959 — MELBOURNE

HSV7 celebrates its third birthday with a 90-minute variety special.

Source: TV News-Times, 30 October 1959. Listener In-TV, 31 October 1959.

9AM 9.30am Test Pattern, Music
12PM 12.30pm Demonstration Film
1PM 1pm Close 1pm The Happy Go Lucky Show. Bob Horsfall, Joy Fountain
2PM 2.30pm My Fair Lady. June Finlayson, Charles Bush 2pm Movie: The Gay Sisters [IMDB]
3PM 3pm For Schools
3.20 Close
3pm The Jean Bowring Show
3.30 Janet Deane RN
3.58 Menu For Tomorrow
3.30 City Detective
4PM 4pm Woman’s World. Gwen Plumb
4.30 Watch The World
4.45 Kindergarten Playtime
4pm The Honeymooners
4.30 Circus Boy
4pm Autumn Affair
4.15 White Hunter
4.45 Wild Bill Hickok
5PM 5pm Children’s TV Club. Includes Little Women, International Children’s Magazine 5pm Young Seven. Madeleine Burke
5.45 The Cool Cats Show. Don Bennetts
5.15 The Happy Show. Happy Hammond, Ron Blaskett, Susan-Gaye Anderson
6PM 6pm The Lone Ranger
6.30 This Is Alice
6.15 Tom Terrific
6.20 The Mickey Mouse Club
6.50 News, Weather. Geoff Raymond
6.15 Our Gang
6.36 News, Newsreel. Eric Pearce. Includes Professor Browne’s Study
7PM  7pm ABC News, Newsreel, Weather
7.30 Amos ‘N Andy
7pm Rin Tin Tin
7.30 The Restless Gun
7pm Flight
7.30 People’s Choice
8PM  8pm Special: Julius Caesar [IMDB] 8pm The Thin Man
8.30 Special: Anniversary Party. John Calvert, Geoff Raymond, Judd Laine, Pilita, Tommy Cole, Jackie Clancy, The Continentals (see advertisement below)
8pm Wyatt Earp
8.30 Bold Venture
9PM  9.50 Basle Watch Fair 9.30 In Melbourne Tonight. Graham Kennedy, Bert Newton, Jack Little, Barry McQueen, Geoff Corke, Dorothy Baker, Hal Todd, Joff Ellen
10PM  10pm Rooftop Rendezvous
10.30 News, Newsreel
10.55 Close
10pm Gunsmoke
10.30 Richard Diamond – Detective
11PM  11pm Operation Strategic Service
11.30 Close
11pm Buckskin
11.30 Epilogue
11.35 News. Eric Pearce
11.45 Close