Monday 19 February 1979 — MELBOURNE


ABC debuts Nationwide, the current affairs show replacing This Day Tonight.

ATV0 launches its new morning show, Everyday, with Roy Hampson and Annette Allison.

ATV0 also begins a re-run of the 1977 mini-series Roots over six consecutive nights as a lead-in to the airing of the sequel Roots: The Next Generations later in the year.

HSV7 begins a repeat screening of the ABC comedy series Alvin Purple, starring Graeme Blundell.

Nationwide running towards the ’80s [2019]

See also: Monday 19 February 1979 — SOUTH AUSTRALIA

Source: TV Times, 17 February 1979. The Age Green Guide, 15 February 1979.

6AM 6am The Samurai
6.30 The Job Show. Brian Bury, Gail Jarvis
7AM 7am The Super Flying Fun Show. Marilyn Mayo 7am The Early Bird Show. Michael McCarthy, Kerry Daniel
8AM 8am Sesame Street
9AM 9am For Schools: La France Telle Qu’elle Est
9.30 Play School
9am Here’s Humphrey 9am Fat Cat And Friends
9.30 The Bernard King Show
10AM 10am For Schools: Make Way For Ducklings, Careers, Films As Evidence, Mathshow, The Arcade Show 10am Romper Room 10am Here’s Lucy
10.30 Celebrity Squares
10am Matlock Police (B&W)
11AM 11am Fish
11.30 Willesee At Seven (Rpt)
11am Another World
11.55 News
11am Everyday. Roy Hampson, Annette Allison PREMIERE
12PM 12pm Close
12.35 Weekend Magazine (Rpt)
12pm Movie: Her Twelve Men. 1954 [IMDB] 12pm The Mike Walsh Show 12pm Movie: The Dark Mirror. 1946 [IMDB]
1PM 1pm ABC News
1.10 Weather
1.11 Close
1.35 For Schools: Music Time, Words And Pictures, Science Close Up, Asian Neighbours
1.30 Days Of Our Lives 1.30 The Steve Raymond Show
2PM 2.55 Close 2pm Homicide 2.30 The Young And The Restless
2.55 News
2.30 The FBI
3PM 3pm The Streets Of San Francisco 3pm General Hospital
3.30 Search For Tomorrow
3.30 The Brian Keith Show
4PM 4pm Play School
4.30 Sesame Street
4pm Flipper
4.30 The Partridge Family
4pm Razzle Dazzle. Rory O’Donoghue 4pm The Land Of The Lost
4.30 Battle Of The Planets
5PM 5.30 Catweazle 5pm The Flintstones
5.30 Get Smart
5pm Family Feud. Tony Barber
5.30 My Three Sons
5pm Superman
5.30 Gomer Pyle USMC
6PM 6pm ABC News Headlines
6.05 The Goodies
6.30 Doctor Who
6.55 Today’s Sport
6pm Welcome Back Kotter
6.30 Seven National News. Mal Walden
6pm The Young Doctors
6.30 National Nine News. Brian Naylor
6pm Eyewitness News. Bruce Mansfield, Annette Allison
7PM  7pm ABC News. Geoff Raymond
7.30 The Stationary Ark
7pm Willesee At Seven
7.30 Mind Your Language
7pm The Sullivans
7.30 Happy Days
7pm MASH
7.30 Sword Of Justice
8PM  8pm The Liver Birds
8.30 Armchair Thriller
8pm Doctor Down Under
8.30 Cop Shop
8.30 The Love Boat 8.30 Mini-Series: Roots. Part One [IMDB] (see advertisement below)
9PM  9.20 ABC News, Weather
9.30 Nationwide. Clive Hale, Sonia Humphrey, Richard Carleton PREMIERE
9.30 The Naked Vicar Show 9.30 The Don Lane Show
10PM  10.10 The Earth Belongs To Everyone 10.30 Alvin Purple 10.30 Peter Couchman Tonight
11PM  11pm Close 11pm Late News
11.20 Serpico
11pm All You Need Is Love 11.45 Movie: Requiem For A Heavyweight. 1962 [IMDB]
12AM  12.20am Close 12am Movie: The Legend Of Custer. 1968 [IMDB]
1AM  1.30 Movie: The Naked Earth. 1959 [IMDB] 1.40am Close
3AM  3am Movie: Seven Keys To Baldpate. 1947 (B&W) [IMDB]
4AM  4am Movie: The Last Shot You Hear. 1969 [IMDB]
5AM  5am Danger Man
(Continues to 6am)