Tuesday 28 February 1978 — ADELAIDE


ABC debuts the late night music show, Rocturnal, hosted by David Woodhall and produced at ABS2. The program was inspired by the ABCFM radio show of the same name.

Source: TV Week, 25 February 1978

7AM 7am Earlybirds
8AM 8am Sesame Street 8.30 Fat Cat And Friends
9AM 9am For Schools: Close Up
9.30 Play School
9am Ready, Set, Go
9.30 Cartoon Corner
9.30am Here’s Humphrey 9am Close
10AM 10am For Schools: Ugly Duckling, Le Nouvel Arrive, Careers, Words And Pictures, Colonials 10am It’s A Woman’s World. Lionel Williams 10.30 The Mike Walsh Show 10.45 King’s Kitchen
11AM 11am Thirty Minutes Worth
11.30 Willesee At Seven (Rpt)
11.57 News
11am Touch Of Elegance
12PM 12pm Monday Conference (Rpt) 12pm Movie: Twilight For The Gods. 1958 [IMDB] Tony Murphy hosts the afternoon programs.
12.01pm Movie: Haunts Of The Very Rich. 1972 [IMDB]
12pm The Young And The Restless
1PM 1pm ABC News
1.10 Horizon-5
1.29 Weather
1.30 Close
1.40 For Schools: Primary Science, Way They Live There
1.25 Slimming
1.30 News
1.31 Days Of Our Lives
1pm Another World
2PM 2.20 Close 2pm Homicide (Rpt) 2.30 General Hospital 2pm Pot Of Gold
3PM 3pm Dinah! 3.30 Ryan’s Hope 3pm Matlock Police (Rpt)
4PM 4pm Play School
4.30 Sesame Street
4.30 The New Mickey Mouse Club
4pm The Super Cartoon Show 4pm Crackerjack. Dean Davis
5PM 5.30 Nutty Squirrels
5.40 Gentle Ben
5pm Batman
5.30 The Beverly Hillbillies
5pm Jabberjaw
5.30 The Bugs Bunny Show
5pm Petticoat Junction
5.30 Gilligan’s Island
6PM 6.05 My Favourite Martian
6.30 Doctor Who
6.55 Take Kerr
6pm Family Feud. Tony Barber
6.30 Seven National News. Kevin Crease, Pam Tamblyn
6pm Room 222
6.30 News. Roger Cardwell, Caroline Ainslie, Sue Baron
6pm News. Tom Blackburn, Peta Peter
6.30 The Brady Bunch
7PM  7pm ABC News
7.30 This Day Tonight. Glenn Taylor
7pm Willesee At Seven
7.30 The Dick Emery Show
7pm Laverne And Shirley
7.30 Special: Sinatra — The Main Event
7pm Blankety Blanks. Graham Kennedy
7.35 The Restless Years
8PM  8pm Journey Into India
8.30 Robin’s Nest
8.55 Recipes
8pm The Rag Trade
8.30 Police Woman
8.30 News
8.31 Rosetti And Ryan
8.35 Get Christie Love
9PM  9pm ABC News
9.05 Hazell
9.55 Perspective
9.30 Movie: Revenge For A Rape. 1976 [IMDB] 9.35 Rafferty
10PM  10.50 Rocturnal. David Woodhall PREMIERE 10.30 Shannon’s Mob 10.35 The Box
11PM  11.20 Close 11pm Department S 11.30 On This Day (B&W)
11.35 Epilogue; Close
11.35 Police Surgeon
12AM  12am Goodnight; Close 12am Close