Saturday 8 August 1959 — MELBOURNE

GTV9 screens the play They Were Big, They Were Blue, They Were Beautiful, part of the Shell Presents series and starring Stewart Ginn, Kevin Brennan, Fifi Banvard, June Salter, Gordon Glenwright and Diana Davidson, The play was originally performed live-to-air at ATN7, Sydney, in June and videotaped for broadcast in Melbourne.

Source: TV Week, 6 August 1959

2PM 2pm Sportsview. Bob Walters 2pm Test Pattern, Music
3PM 3.30pm The Teenage Hour. John D’Arcy, Heather Horwood, Gaynor Bunning, Shirlene Clancy, Ernie Sigley
4PM 4.25 Football: VFL. South Melbourne v Hawthorn. Final Quarter 4.20 Sports Results. Geoff Hiscock
4.25 Football: VFL. Collingwood v St Kilda. Final Quarter
4pm Sports Roundup. Barry McQueen
4.15 Football: VFL. North Melbourne v Essendon. Final Quarter
5PM 5pm Sportsview (cont’d)
5.30 Children’s TV Club
5pm Grantland Rice Sportlight
5.15 These Were Hits
5.45 Cavalcade Of Sport. Bill Collins
5.30 Meet Corliss Archer
6PM 6pm Six O’Clock Rock. Johnny O’Keefe
6.45 Great Fights Of The Century
6pm Peters Fun Fair
6.30 Swallow’s Juniors. Brian Naylor
6pm Laurel And Hardy
6.30 The Swallow’s Show. Bert Newton
7PM  7pm ABC News. John Royle
7.15 Movie Museum
7.30 Sports Review. Joe Brown
7pm People Are Funny
7.30 The Nelsons
7pm Pick-A-Box. Bob Dyer, Dolly Dyer
7.30 Movie: War Of The Wildcats. 1943 [IMDB]
8PM  8pm How To Marry A Millionaire
8.30 Movie: The Outcasts Of Poker Flat. 1937 [IMDB]
8pm Sugarfoot
9PM  9.35 Gymnastics: Victorian Gymnastics Championship 9pm Five Star Playhouse
9.30 Movie: Devil’s Cargo [IMDB]
9pm State Trooper
9.30 Shell Presents: They Were Big, They Were Blue, They Were Beautiful. Stewart Ginn, Kevin Brennan, Fifi Banvard, June Salter, Gordon Glenwright, Diana Davidson [IMDB] (see advertisement below)
10PM  10.15 Saturday Party. Bob Cornish, Mamie Reid, Heather Horwood, Joy Grisold, Graeme Bent 10.45 Ringside With The Rasslers 10.30 Mickey Spillane
11PM  11pm Close 11.30 News. Geoff Raymond
11.45 Close
11pm News. Barry McQueen
11.15 Hour Of Mystery
12AM  12.15am Epilogue
12.25 Close