Monday 5 March 2001 — MELBOURNE


The first day for Renaissance Television — daytime programs on community television Channel 31 aimed at the over-55 audience

Source: Herald Sun, Melbourne, 28 February 2001

6AM 6am Lifelong Learning: 6am English Have A Go; 6.30 Business Management 6am Sunrise 6am Early News 6am Sports Tonight (Rpt)
6.30 Aerobics Oz Style
6am Worldwatch: 6am Mandarin News; 6.55 Telegiornale; 7.30 Das Journal; 8am Ta Nea Ton Ennea; 9am Le Journal; 9.30 Itogi; 10.10 Telediario; 11am Siaran Berita; 11.30 The Journal; 12pm Oto Polska
7AM 7am Mixy
7.30 Thomas The Tank Engine
7.35 Tellytubbies
7.30 All Music Video 7am Today 7am Cheez TV
8AM 8am Kipper
8.10 Bob The Builder
8.20 Oakie Doke
8.30 Sesame Street
8.30 The Book Place 8.30 In The Box 8am Renaissance TV (see advertisement below): 8am Renaissance TV Launch, 9am Power Without Glory, 11am The Honeymooners, 11.30 Backroads Of Europe, 12pm Diana And Dodi, 1pm Kerr’s Kitchen, 1.30 Antique Roadshow, 2.30 Movie: Dixie
9AM 9.25 Bananas In Pyjamas
9.30 Play School
9am Denise. Denise Drysdale 9am Hi 5
9.30 Blue’s Clues
9am Good Morning Australia. Bert Newton
10AM 10am For Schools: For The Juniors; More Than Words; Le Club; Africa’s Child; Pathways To Australian Science; Science Bank; Discovering Science 10am All Star Squares
10.30 Seven News
10am Weddings
10.30 Fresh Cooking
11AM 11am Ricki Lake 11am National Nine News
11.30 Entertainment Tonight
11am Huey’s Cooking Adventures
11.30 Ten News
12PM 12pm World At Noon
12.30 Quantum
12pm Movie: Death Of A Cheerleader. 1994 [IMDB] 12pm Days Of Our Lives 12pm Jerry Springer 12.30 Movie: Gone With The Train. 1996 [IMDB]
1PM 1pm Landline 1pm The Young And The Restless 1pm Judge Judy
1.30 Beauty And The Beast
1.45 Weatherwatch,  Music
2PM 2pm Parliament Question Time 2pm Heartbeat 2pm Movie: Someone Else’s Child. 1994 [IMDB] 2.30 The Oprah Winfrey Show
3PM 3pm Tweenies
3.20 Animal Shelf
3.30 Play School
3.05 Passions 3.30 Neighbours: Early Episodes 3pm TV Ed
3.30 ICAM
4PM 4pm Bananas In Pyjamas
4.05 Little Grey Rabbit
4.15 Bob The Builder
4.25 Little Monsters
4.30 Arthur
4.55 Lisa
4pm The Big Arvo
4.30 Home And Away: The Early Years
4pm Y?
4.30 The Cool Room
4pm Totally Wild
4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful
4pm Glenroe (Ireland)
4.30 World Sports (Rpt)
4pm RMIT Construction Lecture
5PM 5pm Rugrats
5.25 The Trap Door
5.30 The Baskervilles
5.55 Freaky Stories
5pm Bewitched
5.30 Wheel Of Fortune
5pm The Brady Bunch
5.30 Burgo’s Catch Phrase
5pm Ten News 5pm Newshour With Jim Lehrer
5.50 Hotline
5pm Fishcam
6PM 6pm Hero To Zero
6.30 As Time Goes By
6pm Seven News
6.30 Today Tonight
6pm National Nine News
6.30 A Current Affair
6pm The Simpsons
6.30 Neighbours
6pm Global Village: Problem Penguins (France)
6.30 World News
6pm Hungarian Magazine
6.30 Vietnamese Program
7PM  7pm ABC News
7.30 The 7.30 Report
7pm Home And Away
7.30 The Weakest Link
7pm Sale Of The Century
7.29 Keno
7.30 Friends
7pm Seinfeld
7.30 Sandra Sully Presents: The Unknown World
7pm World Sport
7.30 English Premier League Soccer
7pm Serbian TV Presents
8PM  8pm The Micallef Pogram
8.30 Four Corners
8.30 Ally McBeal 8pm Flat Chat
8.28 Newsbreak
8.30 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
8.30 Law & Order 8.30 South Park 8pm SKA TV World Season
8.30 Pathways
9PM  9.15 Littlemore
9.30 BackBerner
9.30 The Practice 9.30 Sex And The City 9.30 Law & Order SVU 9.30 World News Tonight 9am Bent TV
10PM  10pm The Fat
10.30 Lateline
10.30 Felicity 10.10 Pleasure Island II
10.40 Nightline
10.30 Ten News 10pm Movie: Despite Himself. 1997 [IMDB]
11PM  11pm Wildside
11.50 Unfinished Business
11.30 Seven News 11.10 Liverpool 1 11pm Sports Tonight
11.30 AXN
11.35 Alchemy 11.30 FishCam
(Continues to 8am)
12AM  12.20am Parliament Question Time 12am Ricki Lake 12.10am Wrestling: World Championship Presents Monday Nitro 12am Beverly Hills 90210 12.35am Movie: Martin (H). 1997 [IMDB]
1AM  1.25 Movie: Lost. 1955 [IMDB] 1am Today (NBC) 1.10 Entertainment Tonight
1.35 Walker
1am Payne
1.30 Steve Harvey Show
2AM  2.55 Movie: King Solomon’s Mines. 1937 (B&W) [IMDB] 2.30 Spyforce 2am Danoz Direct 2.45 Weatherwatch,  Music
3AM  3am Telemall Shopping 3.30 Victor Paul 3am Victor Paul
4AM  4.30 Lifelong Learning: 4.30 The Reading Writing Roadshow; 5am Growing Awareness Factors In Plant Production; 5.30 New Horizons
(Continues to 6am)
4am Victor Paul 4.30 Norm 4am Life In The World
4.30 Kenneth Copeland
5AM  5.10 Holding The Baby
5.35 The Hughleys
(Continues to 6am)
5am 48 Hours
(Continues to 6am)
5am Marilyn Hickey
5.30 Benny Hinn
(Continues to 6am)
5.30 Worldwatch: Japanese News
(Continues to 6am)
